Check out this week’s featured scholarships! Also Monthly live training/office hour(s) continue EVERY MONTH! Join me Monday January 8th at 7pm central time zone. We’ll be meeting at our GOOGLE MEET LINK
— — (below) Oh! and the replay of the most recent training —
Three AWESOME Scholarship Sites! — is on this post AND in our google classroom!
AFSA High School Senior Scholarship Contest
The High School Senior College Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors who are citizens or aliens legally residing in the USA.
American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship
High school students under age 20 are eligible. Competition begins at the post level and advances to a state competition.
No grades, test scores or essays. The Live Más Scholarship is for students ages 16 – 26 who are pursuing higher education, preparing for the workforce, or using their passion to ignite change in their communities and beyond.