2 May 2023: Featured Scholarships

Home FORUMS General Discussion 2 May 2023: Featured Scholarships

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    Check out this week’s featured scholarships! Also bi-Monthly live training/office hour(s) continue EVERY MONTH! Join me Thursday May 4th and Thursday May 18th at 7pm central time zone. We’ll be meeting at our GOOGLE MEET LINK
    https://meet.google.com/nrt-bsas-iwe — (below) Oh! and the replay of the most recent training —
    The Important Resources That Are Accessible With Your Membership — is on this post AND in our private website!

    Americans United For Religious Freedom Student Contest
    AU’s annual contest encourages students to reflect on why religious freedom and church-state separation are important to them and their communities—and what they can do to ensure religious freedom is a shield that protects the rights of everyone to practice religion according to their own beliefs, or not practice at all, as long as they don’t harm others.

    Deadline: May 8

    Award: $1500

    Apply Here:

    Student Contest

    Since 2021, the Bayar Fellowship has been working to encourage low-income high school students to develop an understanding of business as they commit themselves to public service.

    Deadline: May 17
    Award Amount: $1,000

    Apply Here: https://bayarfellowship.wixsite.com/home/apply

    The Cameron Impact Scholarship

    The Cameron Impact Scholarship is a four-year, full-tuition, impact-driven undergraduate scholarship awarded annually to 10-15 exceptional high school students who have demonstrated excellence in leadership, community service, extracurricular activities, and academics.

    Deadline: May 20


    Apply here:

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