Check out this week’s featured scholarships! Also bi-Monthly live training/office hour(s) continue THIS MONTH! Join me Thursday (March 9th) at 7pm central time zone and March 23rd at the same time. We’ll be meeting at our GOOGLE MEET LINK
— — (below) Oh! and the replay of the most recent training —
What to do if you still need MORE aid — is in our google classroom AND in the LIVE CALLS forum in here!
4‑H Youth in Action Program
The 4‑H Youth in Action program amplifies the diverse stories and leadership of 4‑H youth who are making a difference in their communities every day.
Deadline: March 27
Award: $5000
Apply Here:
Americans Against Gun Violence National High School Essay Contest
By entering the contest, students agree to allow Americans Against Gun Violence to publish their essays in part or in whole in any way that the Board of Directors deems to be appropriate, but without the students’ names or high school affiliations.
Deadline: April 15
Award Amount: $3000
Apply Here:
Americans United For Religious Freedom Student Contest
AU’s annual contest encourages students to reflect on why religious freedom and church-state separation are important to them and their communities—and what they can do to ensure religious freedom is a shield that protects the rights of everyone to practice religion according to their own beliefs, or not practice at all, as long as they don’t harm others.
Deadline: May 8
Award: $1500
Apply Here: