9 May 2022: Featured Scholarships

Home FORUMS General Discussion 9 May 2022: Featured Scholarships

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    SignatureCare Emergency Center College Scholarship
    At SignatureCare Emergency Center, we believe in giving back to the community and one way we do that is through our bi-annual scholarship program. Twice a year, we award scholarships to deserving college students who meet certain criteria and demonstrate passion for the medical field.

    Deadline: Fall Semester:
    Application opens: May 1 / Closes: August 15.
    Fall Semester Scholarship Award amount – $1000.

    Spring Semester:
    Application opens: September 25 / Closes: January 2.
    Spring Semester Scholarship Award amount – $1000.

    Award: $1000

    Apply here:

    CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program

    The Undergraduate Scholarship Program is a financial needs-based initiative where you will be exposed to intelligence challenges while performing meaningful work that relates to your college major.

    Deadline: June 27

    Award Amount: $30,000

    Apply here: https://www.cia.gov/careers/jobs/undergraduate-scholarship-program/

    The 2022 Brower Youth Awards

    Earth Island Institute established the Brower Youth Awards for Environmental Leadership in 2000 to honor renowned environmental advocate David Brower, who said, “I love to see what young people can do, before someone old tells them it’s impossible.” It is with this spirit that we recognize the outstanding leadership efforts of young people who are working for the protection of our shared planet.

    Deadline: May 14

    Award: $3000

    Apply here: http://www.broweryouthawards.org/apply/

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