» All Posts https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/forum/the-debtfreedegree-blueprint/feed/ Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:46:24 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.11 en-US https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-12-coming-soon/#post-148 <![CDATA[STEP 12]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-12-coming-soon/#post-148 Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:20:19 +0000 tsredmondphd STEP 12

Obtain a clean headshot photo and place it in you SCHOLARSHIPS folder

Congratulations on completing the #DebtFreeDegree Blueprint!

https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-11-coming-soon/#post-147 <![CDATA[STEP 11]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-11-coming-soon/#post-147 Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:19:39 +0000 tsredmondphd STEP 11

Step eleven:
Create two essays. One should be a page long and respond to this prompt: “Here is How I Would Use This Money.” The other should be two pages long and be a standard “personal statement.” It should respond to one of the prompts on the common application.

First, here are the prompts: https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/2018-2019-Common-App-Prompts.pdf

Now, here is a refresher on exactly what an essay is: https://youtu.be/9Mat8jpv3tk


Next, check out this example of an essay that did well and got it’s writer into Duke and Yale: https://youtu.be/wFpBioWhVM8

Next, read this great tip I found for how to write an attention grabbing introduction: https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Excerpt-from-“How-to-Turn-a-Real-Life-Moment-into-an-Anecdote”.pdf

Now you’re ready to read Get The Acceptance Letter: Write An Extraordinary College Entrance Essay (Quickly and Easily) That Will Make Your Dream School Say “Yes!” It shows you step by step how to write the main essay used to get scholarships and get into college. Work with your college bound teen over a week’s time on it. Take each section and work on it for an afternoon. Or take a weekend two-day or intensive Saturday or Sunday and knock it out. Post in the community and get feedback. I will definitely look over it for you.
Here is the eBook I wrote that shows you step by step how to write the essay: https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/GetTheAcceptanceLetter_PDF.pdf

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This teaching on how to write a GREAT college entrance essay is KEY. Did you know that once you write an essay to be used on the common app to get into colleges, that you can take that SAME essay and use it to apply to scholarships? SHARE this with your college bound teen today!

https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-10-coming-soon/#post-146 <![CDATA[STEP 10]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-10-coming-soon/#post-146 Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:18:59 +0000 tsredmondphd STEP 10

Secure a pdf copy of your Student Aid Report (This is page fom your completed FAFSA). NOTE: The FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid) is required by almost every college and is filled out beginning October 1 of your college bound teen’s senior year. If your child is a high school junior, they won’t have this. Many scholarships ask for a page from the online form, called the SAR (student aid report). It will be easy to identify. It is a grid summarizing your answers on the form. If you don’t have it yet, just move on to a scholarship that doesn’t require it. Also some scholarships ask for your most recent tax return. It’s good to have pdf copy of that as well.
Here is a tutorial I created showing you how to fill out the FAFSA step by step:


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https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-9-coming-soon/#post-145 <![CDATA[STEP 9]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-9-coming-soon/#post-145 Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:13:42 +0000 tsredmondphd STEP 9

Secure a pdf copy of your SAT or ACT scores. You can retrieve your scores from the test sites, print them and use a scanner to create a pdf copy. Or, download them from the test sites and upload them to your google folder or other storage option. Or, use a scanner to create a pdf of the hard copy scores your college bound teen received in the mail.
Here is a pdf info sheet of ACT Test Preparation Tips (most of which can also be used for the SAT)

Here is a pdf info sheet of Free Test Prep Resources

Here is a pdf info sheet of Math Formulas and Rules to Know for the ACT and SAT Areas

SAT/ACT scores are a source of anxiety for college bound families. Here is a video that breaks down the MUST KNOW INFO about the SAT/ACT, including how to pick the best test for your college bound teen:


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https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-8-coming-soon/#post-144 <![CDATA[STEP 8]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-8-coming-soon/#post-144 Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:13:00 +0000 tsredmondphd STEP 8

Secure a pdf copy of your transcript. Either print it and use a scanner to create a pdf copy, or request that your high school send you a pdf copy.

I recommend downloading the Genius Scan app onto your phone, as being able to easily make pdfs will streamline your scholarship and college application process.
Here is a video of how secure transcripts and MORE:

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https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-7-coming-soon/#post-143 <![CDATA[STEP 7]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-7-coming-soon/#post-143 Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:12:14 +0000 tsredmondphd STEP 7

Secure three recommendation letters; two from teachers, and one from a person who can attest to your community service, like public service and civic/community activities. If you have no community service experience, then find someone who can attest to your school related activities like student government, sports, publications, school-sponsored community service programs, student-faculty committees, arts, music, etc.

Here is a TEMPLATE to follow:
Here is a video of how secure a great recommendation letter: `

Send thank you notes to recommenders
Once you send the email requesting the recommendation, make sure to check in with the recommender in person.
Set an alarm on your phone to check in with them once a week until you receive the recommendation

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https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-6-coming-soon/#post-142 <![CDATA[STEP 6]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-6-coming-soon/#post-142 Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:11:27 +0000 tsredmondphd STEP 6

Step 6
Have Your College Bound Teen Create a College Resume.

A college resume is an easily scanned summary of what you achieved during high school.

College Resumes are important for five items:

1. College applications. Your resume will not only save you time when completing your college applications, it will also ensure you don’t forget anything important. Some colleges allow or even ask for resumes.

2. Letters of recommendation. Giving your resume to your recommenders will help them get to know you even better and remind them of your high school accomplishments.

3. College interviews. Bringing your resume to a college interview, if allowed, can serve as a positive conversation starter.

4. Scholarship applications. Similar to college applications, your resume makes it easier to showcase your accomplishments. Some scholarships even ask for a resume.

5. Jobs or internships. You can easily adapt the resume for work and internship interviews.

Here is a TEMPLATE to follow:
Here is a video of how to create a college resume:

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https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-5/#post-139 <![CDATA[STEP 5]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-5/#post-139 Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:08:48 +0000 tsredmondphd STEP 5

The real intense work of creating a scholarship pipeline that leads to a #DebtFreeDegree is best started the 11th grade year. Imagine using the final semester of junior year and the summer before senior year as a time to get tight essays written, visit college campuses, complete applications, and arrange a fantastic college resume, as well as get really good recommendation letters. These 12 steps are what you should take to put infrastructure in place so that you and your college bound teen can can create a SCHOLARSHIP PIPELINE that leads to a #DebtFreeDegree.

Step five:
Sign up for these:
1. Cappex: https://www.cappex.com/
2. Fastweb: https://www.fastweb.com/
3. Unigo: https://www.unigo.com/
4. Scholarshipowl: https://scholarshipowl.com/
5. College greenlight: https://www.collegegreenlight.com/
6. College Board: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search
7. U.S. Department of Labor: https://www.careeronestop.org/Toolkit/Training/find-scholarships.aspx
and check it weekly.

Have Your College Bound Teen Apply for at least one scholarship each week.
Here is a succinct “video tour” of each:

Here is a pdf download of the list: https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/STEP-5_-Sign-Up-For-These-7-Scholarship-Platforms.pdf

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https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-4/#post-129 <![CDATA[STEP 4]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-4/#post-129 Mon, 26 Mar 2018 18:07:42 +0000 tsredmondphd The real intense work of creating a scholarship pipeline that leads to a #DebtFreeDegree is best started the 11th grade year. Imagine using the final semester of junior year and the summer before senior year as a time to get tight essays written, visit college campuses, complete applications, and arrange a fantastic college resume, as well as get really good recommendation letters. These 12 steps are what you should take to put infrastructure in place so that you and your college bound teen can can create a SCHOLARSHIP PIPELINE that leads to a #DebtFreeDegree.


Step four:
Have Your College Bound Teen Create a “junk” email address. This email address will be used to sign up for scholarship platforms. Because the amount of email can become overwhelming, it is best to have a separate place for scholarship platform accounts, so that you can pick when you go in to check it. It is best to check it at least once a week.

Here is a training video that walks you through Setting up a “junk” email address:

Here is a pdf of instructions on how to set up a junk email address using words and pictures:

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https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-3/#post-122 <![CDATA[STEP 3]]> https://htfs.howtofindscholarships.info/forums/topic/step-3/#post-122 Wed, 21 Mar 2018 17:52:03 +0000 tsredmondphd The real intense work of creating a scholarship pipeline that leads to a #DebtFreeDegree is best started the 11th grade year. Imagine using the final semester of junior year and the summer before senior year as a time to get tight essays written, visit college campuses, complete applications, and arrange a fantastic college resume, as well as get really good recommendation letters. These 12 steps are what you should take to put infrastructure in place so that you and your college bound teen can can create a SCHOLARSHIP PIPELINE that leads to a #DebtFreeDegree.


Step three:
Have Your College Bound Teen Create a google alert for scholarships in your city, state and for at least one scholarship type that fits your gifts and goals.

Google Alerts come in handy in a variety of situations, and they’re easy to set:

Go to https://www.google.com/alerts in your browser.
Enter a search term for the topic you want to track. …
Choose Show Options to narrow the alert to a specific source, language, and/or region. …
Select Create Alert.

Here is a video of how to create a google alert:

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